
By default Quart has two loggers, named quart.app and quart.serving, both are standard Python Loggers. The former is usually kept for app logging whilst the latter serving. To use the former, simply make use of logger, for example:

app.logger.warning('Easy Now')

The serving logger is typically reserved for the serving code, but can be used if required via logging.getLogger() i.e. getLogger('quart.serving').


The Quart loggers are not created until their first usage, which may occur as the app is created. These loggers on creation respect any existing configuration. This allows the loggers to be configured like any other python logger, for example

from logging.config import dictConfig

    'version': 1,
    'loggers': {
        'quart.app': {
            'level': 'ERROR',

Disabling/removing handlers#

The handlers attached to the quart loggers can be removed, the handlers are default_handler and default_serving_handler and can be removed like so,

from logging import getLogger
from quart.logging import default_handler
